Farewell & Well Wishes

Here it is! The final post. For the remainder of the year I will no longer be blogging about books.

It’s been good.

farewell & well wishes

The primary reason I’ve decided to stop blogging is because later this year I’ll be moving back home, and looking for employment, working, and all that good stuff. It would be too much for me to juggle and handle this blog and my personal life. Therefore, I’ve decided to just stop here.

Will I ever start book blogging again? Probably not. Right now, it’s not something I want to do. I don’t want to blog about books anymore.

If I do ever return to blogging about books it probably won’t concentrate much on YA. The way I am right now, I don’t think I can review YA as well as I could before, so I’d rather not keep trying.

So, this is the end. Where’s My Bookmark? will remain here at this web address, but will no longer be updated. I’ll probably be commenting on blog posts, etc. using either this account or my other WP account. But that’s as much interaction this platform will be getting.

Social media wise, you can still find me on Twitter, where I fangirl and just talk about random going-ons.

That’s it! Thanks so much for all the great discussions, great reads, and general love of books.

Have a great year!

2 thoughts on “Farewell & Well Wishes

  1. I totally understand your reasoning. I wish you all the very best in whatever you do end up pursuing. I will definitely miss reading your blog posts. I hope you do stay in touch because you’re an awesome person as well. 🙂


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